Friday, June 14, 2013

BREAKING JAMAA NEWS! : New animal; Kangaroo!

BREAKING JAMAA NEWS! Okay that was random :L. Anyhow. There have been sightings of a new animal in Jamaa! 
 A Kangaroo! I love love LOVE these animals very much! However, I am sad to say that they will be only sold in Australia on AJ membership gift cards at selective Game Stop stores. Sorry American+Canadian Jammers. Btw, this Jammers username is HAPPYSEAL5555, but please don't freak out around her. I am positive that everyone needs their space, and she does as well. I am American, and I really really want a Kangaroo, but I cant get it. I guess this is how Canadian Jammers felt about Snow Leopards and Arctic Wolves. Looks like I will be on Ebay a lot from now on :L.


  1. i'm sad becuz my mom doesn't want to but anymore animal cards I have to save up for em' myself im cute51663

    1. Aww I'm sorry! I really want one too. I have always had to save up for mine. But I hope you still get a Kangaroo! I wish they were available in America...

  2. FINALLY i will be able to get a animal without getting it online! btw i feel sorry for you Canadian/American jammers i know how you feel :(

    1. Congrats! Yes, I guess this is how you felt for so long. Personally I think AJHQ should have never done this whole "It's only available in one country only!" thing. :)

  3. omg!!!!!!! kangaroos are so so so soooooooSOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable! i saw one the other day. it was tiny!!!

    1. I agree! They are adorable! I really really REALLY want one :o

  4. Actually, kangaroos will come worldwide soon!


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